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■ Posted by TOMO   2004/10/26 00:50
I went to Kita High School, too.
You work for a softwere company!! Cool! Me work for similler company.
Make softwear, build website, sale computers and so on.^^
Ha ha ha. It's becomes such a cold season that you spend in here(**

I'm so sorry that I don't know your friends, and maybe I can not get in touch with them. If I can get in touch with them, I say them about you and this things. Best way to know them is to join class reunion that hold every year. But I wonder if it is difficult to find them.(TT

Good luck!

I saw your website. I thought it is so cool design!

If you want me to do something to find them, I am going to help you!

See ya!

2004/10/19 06:40

Hi Tomo,
My name is Robert England. I spent one year in Asahikawa Japan from 1989 to 1990. I went to Kita High School. I now live outside of Chicago IL and work for a software company. I have a great time in Asahikawa (lots and lots of snow). I am trying to get back in touch with old friends. If you know of anyone that went to Kitako, was in the English class in 1990 (3nen -9kumi) please let them know I would love to chat. I am also trying to find two of my friends:
茱水鮎諡凪キ nishio takuya
絮怨押篆繽ク yamaoka shuji
If there is anything you can do to help me find them I would most greatful.

And if you want to talk about anything I would love to corispond with you.
Thank you very much.
My web site is

Rob England
Rob England at 2004/10/19 06:40コメント()コメントを書く 

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開設日: 2001年06月19日
運営: TOMO
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